Monday, September 17, 2007

second assignment~All the places i've visited on vacation.

What have you guys been!?I've been nothing;By the way,there is second assignment as homework.I write about all the places i've visited on vacation.Let's begin!!

First,let me intoduce"San Diego"

I've visited at there on winter vacation when i was Los Angeles.

May be,it takes 2hours from westwood in Los Angeles to home.Actually,it depends on traffic jam.In my case it took 2 hours.

You know??What i visit to San Diego for??In San Diego,There are two famous places you've got visit.

One of them is "Sea World".Have you ever heard of that??This is detail(

I suggest you guys to see the show they have.I really would like you to go to "Shamu Show" That was best show i've ever seen!!

Check it out!!If you have a chance to see that.Also,There is one more place you should go to!!

This is one of the famous ZOO in the world.If you have a time after visit to "Sea world",Check this out.(http:/

Let me continue wiht this assignment.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First assignment and introduce myself!!

I don't know what happened either;My assignment has disappeared!!So, i am writing the assignment on the blog again;I am tired of writing same things which i wrote last time.Let me introduce myself someday.i write '4things' 3 are true,1 is lie.

1)I had been playing soccer for 8 years.

2)I've learned how to play piano when i was child.

3)I like to eat 'rice like'

4)I've walked from 'LAX'(Los Angeles International Airport)to home,it took 8 hours.

Take a guess!!

I'll write the answer with next post.

To be continued

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It has been started by class of writing!!

Hi there!I have decided to write 'Blog' since the class has started.It helps me to write something in English.In addition,it helps me to remember the memory!!So,I'll work hard on the Blog.I hope it'll continue showing a thing what i've done.

To be continued.

Please give me a message when i made a mistake on the Blog!!(spell,grammar,anything you thought)

I look forward to your message!!